To extend knowledge, understanding and clinical skills in the field of paediatric dentistry.
To provide an environment that enhances interest in paediatric dentistry.
Objectives:Upon completion of the posting in paediatric dentistry, dental officers should have gained experience, knowledge and skills and be competent in:
- Taking detailed clinical history and conducting clinical examination and diagnosis of dental diseases and anomalies in infants, children and adolescents and children with special needs
- Executing accurate charting, recording and documentation of findings, advice and treatment rendered etc.
- Applying evidence based dentistry in their clinical practice
- Recognising clinical features of most common relevant systemic disorders in children
- Identifying high dental caries risk patients
- Implementing preventive care programme
- Managing children with dental diseases especially dental caries
- Promoting knowledge to the patients, parents and community in the prevention of dental diseases in children
- Communicating with patients, parents, guardians, caregivers etc.
- Utilising behaviour management techniques in children
- Rendering care and treatment in infants, children and adolescents with oro-dental trauma
- Carrying out simple prosthodontic, orthodontic (early interventions to correct malocclusion) and endodontic treatment or, in the case of procedures in which he or she is not experienced, indicate awareness
of how and where appropriate further treatment can be obtained